New Admin Dashboard

Kickserv has been working hard to revamp our admin dashboard to help run business more effectively! The new dashboard widgets include a snapshot of events for the day, progress from the month compared to the previous month, and an overview of how your business is running at a glance.

Here’s a breakdown of the new features to come:

In the top row we have four widgets: Revenue Pace, Jobs Completed, New Customers, and Total Payments. Each of these four widgets represent data “month-to-date.” This period covers the first of each month to the current date, and a trend indicator shows the percent change from the same time in the previous month. Trend indicator options include a green up arrow for a positive change, a gray dash for no change, and a red down arrow indicating a negative change.

Revenue Pace

The Revenue Pace widget displays the amount of money your company is on track to make this month. This figure is calculated by taking the total dollar amount from completed Jobs month-to-date and dividing it by the number of days so far. That number is then multiplied by how many days are in the current month. 

Here’s an example calculation: It's October 10th, and you have completed $10k in Jobs so far. Divide that by 10 to get an average of $1k per day. Then, multiply that number by 31 (the total number of days in October). Your pace at that point is $31k for the month. There will be a trend indicator showing whether you are up or down in pace from the same time in the previous month.

Jobs Completed

The Jobs Completed widget shows the number of Jobs marked complete this month.

New Customers

The New Customers widget shows all customers with their first Job created this month. The customer can only get credited for one job, and it must be created within the date range no matter the status (unscheduled, scheduled, in_progress, on_hold, or complete).

Note: Canceled jobs that were never marked complete do not count toward this. Even if the customer gets a second job in the date range, they are only counted once and not removed from the count.

Total Payments

The Total Payments widget shows any payment taken in the month-to-date period to display the total income generated to this point.


The Events widget displays all scheduled events for the day. The top shows the total number of Jobs and the total accumulated dollar amount associated. Each event has the scheduled time, the customer's name, and the assigned technician on it. If an event spans multiple days, it will be included on the bottom of the list.

Total Revenue

The Total Revenue widget shows the dollar amount of all Jobs marked complete month-to-date, with color blocks representing different services by proportion. This widget re-visualizes Kickserv’s “Revenue By Service: Summary'' report to help visually breakdown revenue by type. The View Full Report link at the bottom of this widget links to the “Revenue By Service: Summary” standard report.

Note: The maximum number of services on the Total Revenue bar is nine. If your company has more than nine service types, the last box will include data from all other service types together.


The Reminders widget displays the individual reminders from the current day in a chronological order. Once a reminder is complete, the user can check the box to gray-out a reminder, signifying it no longer needs attention. upon page refresh/reload/navigation, completed reminders will disappear from the list. When all reminders are off, the widget will display the Norman high-five image.

Show Me The Money

The Show Me The Money widget is all about invoices and displays the aging report stats. The bar graph shows three different colors for different aging groups: less than 30 days from invoice date, less than 90 days from invoice date, and over 90 days from invoice date. The View Full Report link will re-direct to the “Full Invoice Aging” report.

Note: Unpaid is defined as having a balance remaining. The dollar amount at the top is the total unpaid balances remaining.

In conclusion, these new dashboard widgets give admin users the ability to see the company’s status at a glance before continuing to the rest of Kickserv. Be on the lookout for more updates as we officially roll out these exciting changes! We’re striving to make Kickserv the best field service management software it can be, one upgrade at a time.

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